
Certificates and awards: Our successes at a glance

DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 

After intensive testing and evaluation by the certification body TÜV NORD CERT GmbH, we have once again been awarded the coveted DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 certificate. This management system certificate confirms that ISO-ELEKTRA meets the requirements of the standard and has been operating an effective quality management system for three decades.

In June 2024, TÜV Nord presented Dr. Nina Roth from Quality Management with the current certificate on behalf of ISO-ELEKTRA.

DIN EN ISO 14001 : 2015

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DIN EN ISO 14001:2015

We are pleased to have once again received the DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 certificate in June 2024. This confirms that ISO-ELEKTRA meets the requirements of the standard for environmental management and reflects our commitment to sustainable practices and environmental protection.

Sören Hoppe from Environmental Management accepted the coveted certificate from TÜV Nord.

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Übergabe der TÜV Zertifikate vor ISO-ELEKTRA Gebäude

Receipt of the TÜV certificates in June 2024 from left to right: Sören Hoppe, Dr. Nina Roth and Barbara Wicker (TÜV Nord)

TÜV Zertifikat ISO-ELEKTRA DIN EN ISO 14001:2015
TÜV Zertifikat ISO-ELEKTRA DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Ecovadis bronze medal

We are delighted to have been awarded the ecovadis bronze medal.

Ecovadis is a platform that helps companies to measure and improve their sustainability performance. The assessment is based on a comprehensive analysis of companies' environmental, social and governance practices.

The bronze rating is awarded to companies that are in the top 35% of all companies rated by ecovadis and is a recognition of companies that are committed to sustainability and strive to continuously improve their operations.

It is important to us to make a contribution to sustainability and to set a good example. We pay particular attention to our own energy consumption and the associated increase in energy efficiency through technology and plant modernization. We also produce exclusively in Germany and attach great importance to the use of sustainable raw materials.

We are delighted to have received the ecovadis bronze medal for the first time and will continue to work on optimizing our sustainability performance.

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